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- Kenya Nairobi National Park LEOPARD (2023) No.2307050997
- Man and Sunrise Over Kailua Beach and the Mokuluas
- Lookout on a Foggy Morning
- Lost On A Glacier
- Woman, Shadows and Graffiti (2019)
- Girl Looking Out at Ship (Iceland Stykkishólmur Harbor 2019)
- Awaiting Tea in a Courtyard
- Troubadour of Narayit
- Venice Murano Old Man Almost to The Sea (2021) No.2106250200
- A Man and His Boat
- Imagining Tulips
- Reflection of a Miner
- Nepali Girl and Annapurna
- Welcome Glimpse of Light
- Harvesting Tea
- Old San Juan Colors
- On the Deck of the Blackball
- Hiker on a Rocky Beach
- Corona Virus and “Strolling on the Avenue” (2020)
- Bagan Woman with Cigar (2010)
- Kenya Masai Mara ELEPHANTS (2023) NO.2307210667
- Kenya Amboseli National Park ELEPHANT with Mt. Kilimanjaro in Background (2023) No.2307110910
- Peru LIMA Plaza Major Old Man Reading Newspaper in front of Graffiti (2022) No2206100077